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Товары и услуги

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Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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A book povides pronuncation exercises that emphasize speaking, sound discrimination, and standard intonation patterns ...
Цена: 150 грн./шт.
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The ideal, up-to-date pocket dictionary specially planned for school use.
Цена: 165 грн./шт.
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Dr. Thomas Bock beginnt in diesem Buch mit einer Einführung in das Denken, Fühlen und Handeln psychotischer Menschen. Er stellt die depressiven und ..
Цена: 160 грн./шт.
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Psychoseerfahrene sind in vielfacher Weise eigensinnig: Ihre Sinne gehen eigene Wege. Sie sind auf der Suche nach Eigenheit (eigenen Grenzen) und ...
Цена: 220 грн./шт.
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Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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Captain Chakotay und seine Schwester Sekaya werden unter der Oberfläche von Loran II von einem Wechselbalg gefangen gehalten, einem verstoßenen ...
Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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Bodyguard: Ransom is a bullet-proof thriller by Chris Bradford, bestselling author of the Young Samurai books. it's Lee Child for younger readers - ..
Цена: 45 грн./шт.
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The adventurous wanderings of a boy and girl to find the keyhole which fits the rainbow's golden key.
Цена: 80 грн./шт.
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Comment peut naître le rêve de l'engagement journalistique et du témoignage politique chez un enfant qui grandit dans la plus abandonnée
Цена: 120 грн./шт.
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Bir Orta Doğu Tarihçisinin Notları
Цена: 220 грн./шт.
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"3D Game Programming for Teens" is a comprehensive, step-by-step introduction to 3D game programming for both teenagers and non-programmers.
Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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For seven years, Mark J. Drozdowski has shared his insight, wit, wisdom and humor as "The Fund Raiser," a monthly column ...
Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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A vivid portrayal of her life and ministry in South India. The impression left by this book is that she was the servant of a great God.
Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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The complete story of the Dohnavur Fellowship from its beginning. Shows the loving heart of God at work in thirsting human hearts.
Цена: 200 грн./шт.
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Kenneth MacRae, a minister in the Scottish Hebrides, kept a diary which was a regular part of his life from 1912 to 1963. 'He will be remembered ...
Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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'We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell.' It's been seventeen months since the Bloodsmith butchered his first victim and ...
Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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From the No. 1 bestselling author of THE MISSING AND THE DEAD comes the short novel: 22 DEAD LITTLE BODIES, plus two short stories: STRAMASH and...
Цена: 90 грн./шт.
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Lucy Guardino FBI Thrillers
Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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Quelle est l'émission de radio dirigée par Philippe Bouvard qui, depuis plus de huit ans, fait rire quotidiennement plus de quatre millions ...
Цена: 150 грн./шт.
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1932. Cherchemidi, jeune écrivain mêlé à l'avant-garde littéraire parisienne, revient dans son village natal, Clerguemort, niché au flanc...
Цена: 80 грн./шт.
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Hospital Babylon is an in-depth, amusing and highly insightful expose of the extraordinary world of modern medicine. It will take the reader ...
Цена: 230 грн./шт.
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Women & Psychosis: Multidisciplinary Perspectives - Psychoanalytic Studies: Clinical, Social, and Cultural Contexts
Цена: 450 грн./шт.
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Comprehensively reviews the current knowledge concerning neuroanatomy and neurochemistry as it relates to this part of the brain.
Цена: 130 грн./шт.
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Three Spanish Querelle Texts – Grisel and Mirabella, The Slander against Women, and The Defense of Ladies against Slanderers: Volume 21
Цена: 170 грн./шт.
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Цена: 90 грн./шт.
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TV journalist Mary Carelli admits that she shot and killed Mark Ransom, one of the world's most famous authors. She claims it was self-defense. ...
Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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'A must read' Former President Bill Clinton
Цена: 90 грн./шт.
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Long estranged from her blue-blooded New England family, attorney Caroline Masters is summoned home to defend her niece against charges of murder.
Цена: 120 грн./шт.
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From one of America's most compelling novelists comes the mesmerizing story of a lawyer who must defend the woman he loves against a charge ...
Цена: 90 грн./шт.
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William Lasko is a self-made millionaire who's got the ear of the president and a talent for using it to get what he wants.
Цена: 120 грн./шт.
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An epic story that moves with force, passion, and authority, Balance of Power begins when President Kerry Kilcannon and television journalist ...
Цена: 85 грн./шт.
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A man has been found dead, a gun still wedged in his mouth. It looks like Ricardo Arias killed himself…but the physical evidence tells a different ..
Цена: 90 грн./шт.
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1967, Lake City, Ohio. Tony Lord and Sam Robb, both in their teens, are best friends and athletic rivals. Twenty-eight years later, ...
Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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In the high-stakes, high-pressure world of Presidential politics, where predators carry microphones and one misstep can savage a lifetime ...
Цена: 85 грн./шт.
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"A classic detective story." -- The New York Times Book Review
Цена: 120 грн./шт.
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In a novel of international intrigue, an American lawyer, Damon Pierce, attempts to save Bobby Okari, the West African leader of a protest movement,..
Цена: 85 грн./шт.
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The Insanity of God is the personal and lifelong journey of an ordinary couple from rural Kentucky who thought they were going on just your ordinary
Цена: 150 грн./шт.
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Belle-grand-mère, 2
Цена: 85 грн./шт.
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Déjà vendu à plus de 400 000 exemplaires, " Service compris " sert de référence permanente aux étudiants, aux dirigeants d'entreprise et à tous ...
Цена: 80 грн./шт.
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Direct vivant, tendre, chaleureux, libre - tel est ce roman que Henri-François Rey a écrit jour après jour et lu jour après jour pendant deux mois, ..
Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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" Petite chérie, votre cadette, a décidé de passer son bac, elle qui n'a jamais manifesté le moindre intérêt pour ses études. ...
Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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​Amy Carmichael was a prolific writer and Christian missionary. She is notable for having spent over 55 years serving the people of India without ..
Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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Lead from the Outside is a necessary guide to harnessing the strengths of being an outsider by Stacey Abrams, one of the most prominent black female
Цена: 160 грн./шт.
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​Knjiga je napeta detektivka in odlična srhljivka vrhunskega ameriškega pisca te zvrsti. Nje- gove Šerife, eno od zgodnejših del,...
Цена: 220 грн./шт.
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Учебник предназначен для первого года обучения испанскому языку в институтах и на факультетах иностранных языков.
Цена: 250 грн./шт.
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"Учебник чешского языка" Широковой А. Г. и др. адресован студентам гуманитарных факультетов университетов, институтов иностранных языков
Цена: 150 грн./шт.
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Настоящий учебник чешского языка, написанный на базе русского, предназначается для желающих познакомиться с основами чешского языка.
Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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Dr. Brent Holcomb's life had been on a steady decline, but things were finally looking up. The life he dreamed of was in reach, until tragedy struck.
Цена: 120 грн./шт.
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Розраховано на ділових людей, підприємців, керівників підприємств і організацій, державних службовців, усіх, кому доводиться мати справу ...
Цена: 300 грн./шт.
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Настоящий словарь состоит из двух частей: русско-португальской и португальско-русской, каждая из которых содержит около 20000 терминов по основным
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