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Товары и услуги

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Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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The third book in the Culver Valley Crime series
Цена: 400 грн./шт.
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Un diccionario, sea cual sea la materia de que trate, resulta un instrumento de trabajo imprescindible no solo para el profe
Цена: 120 грн./шт.
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Для студентов медицинских институтов
Цена: 65 грн./шт.
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​Sechs charakteristische Texte des großen österreichischen Erzählers.
Цена: 65 грн./шт.
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Ein tiefgründiger und kraftvoller Roman, Gewinner des Booker-Preises
Цена: 60 грн./шт.
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De gebeurtenissen rond Jezus’ leven vanaf de Boodschap van de Engel aan Maria tot de terugkeer naar Nazareth, worden overgeplaatst naar het Vlaanderen
Цена: 65 грн./шт.
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Vier typische Lenz-Erzählungen in leisen Tönen, mit feinem Humor und leichter Ironie.
Цена: 65 грн./шт.
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"Manès Sperbers Buch ist... eine außergewöhnliche literarische Leistung, eine Selbstdarstellung von hohem Rang. Es hat weder die pikante ...
Цена: 80 грн./шт.
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Karl und Marie Fiala bewohnen mit ihren beiden Kindern eine enge Wohnung in Wien. Trotz der beengten Verhältnisse haben sie Maries Schwester Klara ...
Цена: 70 грн./шт.
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Acht Hörspiele aus den Jahren 1953 bis 1963 über gesellschaftliche und politische Entwicklungen in Deutschland
Цена: 80 грн./шт.
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A farm is taken over by its overworked, mistreated animals. With flaming idealism and stirring slogans, they set out to create a paradise of progress,
Цена: 150 грн./шт.
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O, hem derviş kıyafetini giyip Bağdat yollarına düşen Molla Said hem Kürt kimliğinin dönem içerisinde önde gelen isimlerinden Said-i Kürdi.
Цена: 300 грн./шт.
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The cornerstone of any psychiatric evaluation, the mental status exam, requires an assessment of insight -- a term commonly employed by clinicians ...
Цена: 500 грн./шт.
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Цена: 130 грн./шт.
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Survey carried out from a questionnaire in County and Voluntary Schools
Цена: 230 грн./шт.
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Atonement Child is the true story of Carol Booth, the first daughter of deeply troubled parents, who barely survived her father’s severe beatings.
Цена: 200 грн./шт.
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Violent Death in the City: Suicide, Accident, and Murder in Nineteenth-Century Philadelphia
Цена: 80 грн./шт.
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"Konuşurken (kimi zaman da yazarken) muhatabımızın söylediklerimizi anlamış olduğuna sevinebiliriz. Öyle ya, zaten o anlasın diye konuşmuyor muyuz?
Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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Birçok kisinin korkulu rüyasi haline gelen kredi karti borçlariyla nasil bas edilebilir? Hiç kullanilmayan dakikalara ve mesajlara yüklüce ...
Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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"Networking'ten nefret ederim, ama bu kitabı çok sevdim. -David Bach. -
Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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Hatıratlar, kafileden ayrılıp güzergah dışındaki arasokakları, arkasokakları merak edenler için bulunmaz bir nimet. Yalanlarla, yanlışlarla, ...
Цена: 130 грн./шт.
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Afrika kabilelerinden birinde bir bebek doğduğunda kabilenin kadınları hep birlikte ormana çekilir, o bebeğe bir şarkı yaparlarmış. Dikkatle ...
Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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Цена: 200 грн./шт.
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Для студентів вищих навчальних закладів. Може бути корисним для учнів ліцеїв, гімназій, учителів шкіл, працівників організацій та установ.
Цена: 300 грн./шт.
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The most authoritative annual guide to the very best Italian wines; more than 2,400 producers have been selected
Цена: 150 грн./шт.
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Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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On a remote farm in the deepest Devonshire countryside, four pregnant women arrive at an exclusive yoga retreat for a five-star weekend of prenatal ..
Цена: 60 грн./шт.
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Every fifty years a woman, living in a single New England homestead as wife or daughter, must come to terms with a vital turning ...
Цена: 70 грн./шт.
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Writing with wisdom, empathy, and humor, a young Chicago priest tells the story of his poor Hispanic parish, of the violence and gang warfare that...
Цена: 250 грн./шт.
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This is a revised and augmented version of work originally published in seven parts in Eigse A Journal of Irish Studies between 1983 and 1993. ...
Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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Leaving Islam for Christianity cost her more than she imagined, but gave more than she could have dreamed.
Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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A holocaust survivor and tireless advocate for the world's poor shares her personal journey from the Ravensbru+a5ck concentration camp ..
Цена: 250 грн./шт.
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Provides a detailed account of the psychoanalyist H.J.S. Guntrip's dream sequences over a period of 40 years. In addition, the text also includes ...
Цена: 180 грн./шт.
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Recent studies of medieval preaching have tended to focus on sermon texts. This is the first scholarly study in English of preaching and its social ..
Цена: 200 грн./шт.
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Theresa Anthony gives us an inside look, unflinching and raw, at her son's sudden bout with depression and alcoholism at the outset of young ...
Цена: 200 грн./шт.
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Словник пропонує понад 2000 українських термінів ринкової економіки з їхніми дефініціями та відповідниками в російський, англійський ...
Цена: 250 грн./комплект
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Для абитуриентов, слушателей курсов, студентов филологических факультетов.
Цена: 75 грн./шт.
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Издание предназначено для учащихся младших классов школ, гимназий в качестве дополнительного средства обучения, а ...
Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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У словнику вміщено 32 000 найуживаніших слів і словосполу чень, включаючи найновіші запозичення.
Цена: 160 грн./шт.
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Словник містить близько 42 000 найбільш уживаних слів і словосполучень французької та української мов.
Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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Superman is a fictional character. So what makes us think that "supermom" isn't? With hope, honesty, and humor, What Kids Need Most in a Mom ...
Цена: 120 грн./шт.
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Consists of scenes in a variety of styles for high school and college acting students featuring scripts in five subject categories: dating, pregnancy,
Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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The mother of a gay son, Muller makes two key assertions in this simply written and sympathetic exploration of families with homosexual children.
Цена: 165 грн./шт.
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In a masterful evocation of Italian Harlem and the men and women who lived there, Robert Orsi examines how the annual festa of the Madonna ...
Цена: 120 грн./шт.
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Provides guidance in recognizing and controlling feelings of jealousy, turning them into an advantage rather than letting them get in the way.
Цена: 250 грн./шт.
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Children in care who have been traumatized need a therapeutic environment where they can heal and which meets their emotional and developmental needs.
Цена: 160 грн./шт.
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We have all been affected in one way or another with Addiction. It can be something we have struggled with ourselves or it can be a family member, ..
Цена: 80 грн./шт.
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This true story tells the eternally new tale of the matchless charm of our Lord Jesus Christ. A heartening story of good cheer...
Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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A book povides pronuncation exercises that emphasize speaking, sound discrimination, and standard intonation patterns ...
Цена: 150 грн./шт.
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The ideal, up-to-date pocket dictionary specially planned for school use.
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