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Медицинская литература

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Цена: 265 грн./шт.
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Pathology Quick Review book has the same 30 chapters divided into three sections as in the main textbook where section I covers chapters 1-11 ...
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This book is prepared according to new MBBS curriculum and the content of the book was modified from the traditional organism-based teaching ...
Цена: 700 грн./шт.
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Inderbir Singh’s textbook of human histology is widely used by students and faculty of health profession. Ninth edition of this book has been ...
Цена: 550 грн./шт.
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The 12th edition is revised and updated as per the Medical Council of India (MCI) prescribed competencies in embryology.
Цена: 400 грн./шт.
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The basic questions of general and medical biology are highlighted in this textbook. The general laws of life, the study of the cell including ...
Цена: 560 грн./шт.
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Учебник написан в соответствии с программой и опытом преподавания в медицинских вузах.
Цена: 600 грн./шт.
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This book is complete guide for preparation of most entrance exams including Neet, Aiims, PGI. Includes questions of recent NEET pattern and ...
Цена: 300 грн./шт.
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This book gives an overview of pathology in question-answer form base on standard textbooks read by undergraduate medical students to prepare ...
Цена: 500 грн./шт.
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Для студентів вищих медичних навчальних закладів України ІІІ–ІV рівнів акредитації, лікарів-інтернів, практичних лікарів.
Цена: 500 грн./шт.
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Цена: 250 грн./шт.
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Children in care who have been traumatized need a therapeutic environment where they can heal and which meets their emotional and developmental needs.
Цена: 450 грн./шт.
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Comprehensively reviews the current knowledge concerning neuroanatomy and neurochemistry as it relates to this part of the brain.
Цена: 1600 грн./шт.
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