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Словари и разговорники,
Украинская и русская литература на английском языке,
Учебники и пособия,
Фантастика, фэнтези, ужасы, вампиры,
HUMOUR НемецкийДетективы, триллеры, боевики и фантастика на немецком языке,
Детская и подростковая литература на немецком языке,
Другая литература на немецком языке,
Классика на немецком языке,
Романы на немецком языке,
Сказки, саги на немецком языке,
Учебная литература. Словари.
Written over fifteen years ago, this prescient, suspenseful thriller is set against a backdrop of a capital city in quarantine, and explores human
A man will do almost anything for ninety million dollars. So will its rightful owners. They found him in a small town in Brazil. He had a new name, ..
The Swastika flies over Windsor Castle. Britain capitulated in 1942 and the world has been at peace for 50 years. The British Government-in-exile, ...
Der Roman erzählt die Geschichte von Ava - im vorherigen Leben eine erfolgreiche Karrierefrau -, die mit Mann und zwei Kindern...
Carmarthen, 1199 - A sudden snowstorm in late December means that two parties of travellers are forced to abandon their journeys and take refuge ...
Die junge Sophie aus Weimar ist beeindruckt, als sie Hermann aus dem Westen kennenlernt. Soll sie Karsten, ihren verheirateten Liebhaber und ...
Elizabeth Gaskell's portrait of kindness, compassion, and hope
The sins of one generation are visited upon another in a haunted New England mansion until the arrival of a young woman from the country breathes ...
A dictionary of over 40,000 clear and accurate definitions. An ideal reference book, clearly and concisely presented, for all those who use and enjoy
Another wonderful wartime saga from this much-loved author.
Into Temptation, the third book of the Lytton family trilogy, shifts the focus to New York City and Barty Miller. Rescued from the slums as a baby....
A dictionary for grades three to six which features illustrative sentences as part of many of the definitions.
In this neighborhood, danger lies close to home. A domestic thriller packed full of secrets, and a twisty story that never stops—from the bestselling
When foster carer, Cathy Glass, is asked to foster Darcy-May, a two-day old baby, she is very concerned.
A brilliant romance novel set in 1930s Liverpool, from one of Britain's bestselling saga authors.Life is hard in 1930s Liverpool, and Biddy O'Shaughne
For thousands of years, yoga has offered what Western therapists seek to provide today: a way to achieve the total health of body, mind, emotions, ...
Death by fire - Death by ice.These were the twin threats confronting the seamen on the North Atlantic fire from the Luftwaffe's bombs, and ...
What happens when a trained killer discovers, in the aftermath of war, that his true vocation is love? Having survived the killing fields...
Haunted by a past she can’t escape, Laura Cunningham desires nothing more than to keep her world small and precise - her quiet relationship and ...
Muhammad Yunus is that rare thing: a bona fide visionary. His dream is the total eradication of poverty from the world. In 1983, against the advice ..
At the end of the Second World War, Matthew Wallingham returns to his family home, blinded by his injuries and uncertain about his future. ...
Candide (1759) is a bright, colourful literary firework display of a novella. With sparkling wit and biting humour, Voltaire hits several targets ...
Liverpool, 1937. Jessica is married to Bertie, a mean, patronising man who she has stayed with purely for the sake of her two young children.
Eigentlich ist die Journalistin Olivia Joules nur einem charismatischen Filmproduzenten mit falschem französischen Akzent begegnet. ...
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichies erster Roman - ein Meilenstein junger Weltliteratur
Словарь включает около 80 000 терминов по различным отраслям науки и техники: ядерной энергии, металлургии, машиностроению, автоматике, ...
#1 BESTSELLER • The groundbreaking book that redefines what it means to be smart, with a new introduction by the author
Książka o przyjaźni samotnego chłopca, Sebastiana z obłaskawionym przez niego, zdziczałym owczarkiem górskim. Wartka akcja rozgrywająca się w Alpach
Literatura z najwyższej półki. Jedna z najlepszych książek słynnego autora.
Zbiór najbardziej znanych historii biblijnych, ujętych w opowiadania opatrzone odpowiednimi ilustracjami, aby dzieci mogły już od swoich wczesnych
Use a Collins dictionary, and be one of the best-informed language users in the world Find all the words and meanings you need. Help with spelling ...
Cодержит более 70 тысяч слов и словосочетаний, около 120 тысяч переводов современных русского и английского языков.
Essays and Lectures: Nature: Addresses and Lectures / Essays: First and Second Series / Representative Men / English Traits / The Conduct of Life
Словник є досвідом в українській лексикографії опису паронімів - близьких за звучанням, але різним за значенням слів, головним чином тих, що ...
В словнику міститься біля 20 тис. термінів всіх розділів сучасної математики. В словник включені слова-терміни і терміни-словосполучення,
С детства мы часто слышали пословицу: "Лучше один раз увидеть, чем сто раз услышать", и не раз убеждались в ее справедливости. "А вот если увидеть, ..
Для среднего школьного возраста.
L'Europe ? Tous en parlent ou en rêvent. Pourtant, le risque est grand, dès demain, de découvrir que cet avenir radieux est encombré de nuages ...
En l'an 2024, les robots sont intelligents. Ils savent servir leurs maîtres, mais aussi jouer avec des fantômes, pra- tiquer un sport collectif, ...
Dans une taverne parisienne un peu louche se retrouvent attablés le Vicomte de Ferrière et cinq de ses compagnons qui, ayant beaucoup trop abusé ...
Les Maligrasse, éditeurs parisiens, reçoivent beaucoup à Saint-Germain-des-Prés. Alain, le maître de maison, aime en secret une comédienne en quête ..
Dans la ville de Saumur vit modestement la famille Grandet : le père ex-tonnelier devenu richissime après de fructueuses spéculations, son épouse, ...
En Nouvelle-Guinée, une équipe de savants auxquels s'est joint le journaliste Douglas Templemore cherche le fameux « chaînon manquant » ...
In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare creates a violent world, in which two young people fall in love. It is not simply that their families disapprove;
Inspector Aurelio Zen is back and facing the biggest mystery of his professional career. Drawn into the plots of the Vatican city, he becomes ...
A loving mother and wife, Annie O'Neill was the heart of the small community of Kiss River. But her generous nature hid a darker side that remained
Bex and Ollie are a couple of small-time and small-town domestic burglars. They do enough to keep themselves in beer and out of work and have ...
Home on leave in sunny California, Marine and local lothario Kit Ryan finds himself dangerously drawn to his best friend's sister, ...
Authors Craig and Janet Parshall blend fascinating storytelling, excellent research, and their passion for the early 1600s in this exciting follow ...
Schlüsselroman über das Leben deutscher Emigranten