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The US Department of Defense is well aware of China's intention to shut the US Carrier Battle Groups out of the Taiwan Strait and then to reclaim, ...
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In Asia, all hell is breaking loose. Finally ready to flex its formidable muscle, the People's Republic of China has struck at Taiwan, and ...
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(Bernard Samson #3)
Цена: 60 грн./шт.
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(Eve Duncan, #7)
Цена: 60 грн./шт.
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In military circles it's known as Air Battle Force—an air combat unit of the future, under the command of aerial warfare expert Major General...
Цена: 80 грн./шт.
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(Jason Richter #1)
Цена: 65 грн./шт.
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When a director of respected investment bank, Steen Odenberg & Co, is discovered in his luxury Wapping penthouse strangled with his own silk Hermes...
Цена: 80 грн./шт.
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Catherine Galitza has been badly injured by an intruder in her own home. In the months before, there had been a string of nuisance calls.
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