Детективы, триллеры, боевики
As far as Detective Inspector Steve Madden is concerned, the dead don’t speak to anyone. But old childhood memories are stirred when psychic ...
Tom Clancy's Op-Centre Book 6
Syrische terroristen verwoesten een dam in Turkije, waarmee ze de drinkwatervoorziening in hun eigen vaderland in gevaar brengen. ...
The bizarre deaths of two teenagers in a New York City junior high school become the detonator of an urban time bomb whose shock waves reverberate ...
When Sandor snatched little Joe from the path of a London Tube train, he was quick to make clear the terms of the rescue. 'I saved your life,' ...
Judy Hammer has accepted the challenge of Richmond, Virginia's police department to try and reverse the escalating crime statistics in the city. ...
Virginia Medical Examiner Kay Scarpetta has a bloody puzzle on her hands: five headless, limbless cadavers in Ireland, plus four similar victims ...
An intriguing Dr Kay Scarpetta novel which will take Kay an ocean's breadth away from home. The case begins when a cargo ship arriving at Richmond,
It is New Year's Eve, the last day of Virginia's bloodiest year since the Civil War. Dr. Kay Scarpetta plunges into the murky depths of a ship ...
The tick-tock man's job is the most dangerous in Great Britain: defusing terrorist bombs. It's a task that demands quiet courage and ...
Сборник знакомит читателя с творчеством одного из классиков американской детективной литературы Дэшила Хемметта (1894—1961), ...
The prosecutor - Julia Valenciano. Young and ambitious and facing a case that could catapult her career. The defendant - David Marquette. ...
In the closing hours of the Gulf Waf, an American Special Forces team murders a group of Allied soldiers in the middle of the Iraqi desert. ...
American scientist Jack Hammond finds himself involved in a game of cat-and-mouse with a duplicitous and beautiful Soviet agent when he begins ...
Книга для чтения на английском языке
В романе "Шаровая молния" Бонд, по настоянию своего шефа "М", отправляется на лечение в санаторий. Там он встречает подозрительного "графа Липпе",
"Doctor No" - первый роман, экранизированный в официальной "бондиане". В нем агент 007, чудом выживший в столкновении с беспощадным советским СМЕРШем,
В "Живи и дай умереть" (1954) Бонд вместе с коллегой из ЦРУ, спецагентом Феликсом Лейтером, вступает в бескомпромиссную схватку с главарем ...
Книга для чтения на английском языке.
"На секретной службе Ее Величества" - одиннадцатый роман о подвигах неуязвимого шпиона, где он продолжает охоту за Эрнстом Блофельдом - негодяем ...
Главный герой Энсон работает страховым агентом. За двенадцать лет службы ему становится известным большинство приемов, к которым...
В книге представлен детективный роман "Запах денег". В нем частному детективу Марку Гирланду предстоит выполнить очередное задание - найти пленки ....
Детективный роман, в котором после писем с угрозами убивают крупного бизнесмена. Его лучший друг принимается за самостоятельное...
Benedict Juliard is an aspiring jockey who must bypass his dreams of horse racing to help his father, George, in his quest to enter the world ...
Combat 2, a selection of stories (originally published in: Combat, a 10 novella 2001 anthology, edited by Stephen Coonts) from authors whose novels ..
Former CIA agent Tarp is called in by the KGB to investigate the disappearance of a vast supply of plutonium from the USSR and finds himself ...
Two years after Operation Desert Storm, the problems facing military forces around the world have changed dramatically. In the US, active-duty ...
In the midst of a mighty storm, and abandoned to an isolated inn in Upper Provence, a family is brutally massacred. Miraculously, a three-week ...
The US Department of Defense is well aware of China's intention to shut the US Carrier Battle Groups out of the Taiwan Strait and then to reclaim, ...
In Asia, all hell is breaking loose. Finally ready to flex its formidable muscle, the People's Republic of China has struck at Taiwan, and ...
In military circles it's known as Air Battle Force—an air combat unit of the future, under the command of aerial warfare expert Major General...
When a director of respected investment bank, Steen Odenberg & Co, is discovered in his luxury Wapping penthouse strangled with his own silk Hermes...
Catherine Galitza has been badly injured by an intruder in her own home. In the months before, there had been a string of nuisance calls.