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Украинская и русская литература на английском языке,
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Романы на немецком языке,
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Учебная литература. Словари.
Sinister rumors link clandestine Arab arms dealing with the man who led the old anti-Nazi Guernica network. ...
The Ipcress File was a debut sensation. Here in the second "Secret File," diving, drug trafficking, and blackmail all come together in a compelling ..
US Secret Service high-up Colonel Mann is the main foil to the British agent in this story, which is set in the Arab world and the wastes ...
The Soul of a Firm is about people and values. It demonstrates the difference they can make in the ultimate success of any organization, not simply
Rachel Sexton works for the National Reconnaissance Office as an intelligence officer. She is also the daughter of a Senator currently running ...
"Billy Budd" is the final work of American author Herman Melville which was discovered amongst his papers three decades after his death and first ...
Much of D.H. Lawrence’s life was defined by his passion for travel and it was those wanderings that gave life to some of his greatest novels.
The President is dead—and the weight, literally, of the world falls on Jack Ryan's shoulders, in Tom Clancy's newest and most extraordinary novel. ..
This book is about reminding the world community that the Russian-Ukrainian war continues, and we must not forget those who are actually defending ...
This magnificent novel—which secured for its author the 1955 Nobel Prize in Literature—is at last available to contemporary American readers.
Joe Buck, naively charming Texan cowboy, seeks his fortune in the Big Apple, but encounters Ratso Rizzo, a sleazy, small-time con man with big dreams.
A young girl’s search for her mother brings danger – and romance Young Kate Browning was beginning to find the strain almost too hard to bear.
Учебник содержит шесть тематических циклов, охватывающих программу I-II курсов медицинских вузов.
Учебник "Новый деловой английский" ("New English for Business") представляет собой пособие, рассчитанное на 1200 аудиторских часов по созданию ..
Washington, D.C., is the final installment in Gore Vidal's Narratives of Empire, his acclaimed six-volume series of historical novels about ...
The Stone Angel , The Diviners , and A Bird in the House are three of the five books in Margaret Laurence's renowned "Manawaka series," named for ...
War hero and infamous ladies’ man General MacKenzie Hawkins is a living legend. His life story has even been sold to Hollywood. But now he stands ...
The Second World War is over. Three top Nazis have embezzled $780 million from Nazi funds - and then committed suicide. ...
In Washington, word is received that an elite member of the Nazi High Command is willing to defect and divulge information that will shorten the war.
Tyrell Hawthorne was a naval intelligence officer - one of the best - until the rain-swept night in Amsterdam when his wife was murdered, an innocent
Salonika, Greece: December 1939. In the dead of night, a clandestine order of monks embarks on a desperate mission: to transport a mysterious ...
By national bestselling author, Robert Littell, whose most recent novel, The Company, received rave reviews across the nation, ...
На английском и русском языках (параллельно)
Это сатира на современную литературную и художественную жизнь Лондона. Ситуэллы, Гертруда Стайн, Джеймс Джойс, Вирджиния Вулф ...
The Red Badge of Courage is Stephen Crane’s second book, notable for its realism and the fact that Crane had never personally experienced battle. ..
The story of an imposter and bigamist, who travels to the North where he marries the maid of Buttermere, a young woman whose natural beauty inspired
The eponymous hero of John Fowles's largest and richest novel is an English playwright turned Hollywood screenwriter who has begun to question ...
Компактный самоучитель для тех кто уже имеет первичную подготовку в английском языке.
Riktor är en man med inrutade vanor. På dagarna arbetar han på ett äldreboende med mycket gamla och sjuka människor. Utåt sett tycks han var den...
Months after killing his lover off the rugged Alaskan coast, Tim Cornish believes he has gotten away with the crime, until a series of ominous ...
Historischer Roman um Friedrich Fröbel
"Livros com Ideias Dentro" pretende chamar a atenção para obras que, embora muito importantes, correm o risco de ser preteridas em favor de múltiplas
Three Powerful Novels From the Scottish Writer Whom C. S. Lewis Called His "Master" The Maiden's Bequest Orphaned as a child, Annie Anderson's ....
La pièce raconte l'histoire d'une famille, où la mère (Philaminte), la belle-sœur de cette dernière (Bélise) et une de ses deux filles (Armande) ...
Un ami du narrateur, très imbu de l'histoire locale, raconte l'anecdote suivante : Mme Husson, modèle de vertu de Gisors, ...
Приуроченное к 100-летию со дня смерти Виктора Гюго издание включает драмы "Эрнани", "Рюи Блаз", ...
L'auteur peint la Corse d'autrefois, ses mœurs antiques et farouches, ses vendettas implacables.
Bieneks farcenhafte Novelle über sieben schrullige adlige Damen in den letzten Kriegstagen ist ein anspielungsreicher, grotesker Schlußpunkt hinter
Als Variationen über das Thema Liebe stellen sich die Beiträge dieses neuen Auswahlbandes dar, in dem sich Graham Greene von einer überraschenden ...
Der Krieg ist vorbei. Und "hinter den Bergen" dräut der Gottesstaat. Einer allerdings, der sich nicht an Luther oder der katholischen Kirche ...
Гойя, или Тяжкий путь познания — исторический роман Лиона Фейхтвангера о жизни испанского художника XVIII века Франциско Гойи ...
Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe, geschrieben von Gottfried Keller, gilt zurecht als als Kanon der deutschsprachigen Literatur und wird...
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Un chapeau de paille d'Italie