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Англи́йский язык — язык англо-фризской подгруппы западной группы германской ветви индоевропейской языковой семьи. Английский язык — важнейший международный язык, что является следствием колониальной политики Британской империи в XIX веке и мирового влияния Соединённых Штатов Америки в XX—XXI веках. Существует значительное разнообразие диалектов и говоров английского языка.
Показывать сначала:по умолчаниюдешевыедорогиестарыеновые
Цена: 170 грн./шт.
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The true story behind the rise of a tyrannical genius, how he transformed an industry, and why everyone is out to get him.In this fascinating exposé
Цена: 110 грн./шт.
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This giant story and activity book is filled with Ben Tennysona (TM)s incredible adventures, spanning over six years.
Цена: 90 грн./шт.
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At the death of Leonard Strickland, beloved Southern gentleman, husband and father, his family is faced with the unknown. ...
Цена: 120 грн./шт.
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Let It Snow: Three Holiday Romances is a fix-up novel comprising three separate stories that intertwine with one another.
Цена: 130 грн./шт.
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Представленное вашему вниманию издание небольшого удобного формата в котором подобрано максимальное количество необходимых лексических единиц и фраз.
Цена: 130 грн./шт.
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Hасчитывает более 40 тысяч слов и словосочетаний, примерно 60 тысяч переводов.
Цена: 85 грн./шт.
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When the boy was almost eight, a woman stepped out of the elevator into the apartment on East Sixty-second Street and he recognized her straightaway.
Цена: 160 грн./шт.
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How do you judge the quality of a school, a district, a teacher, a student? By the test scores, of course. Yet for all the talk, what educational ...
Цена: 160 грн./шт.
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Lessons from the groundbreaking grassroots campaign that helped launch a new political revolution
Цена: 160 грн./шт.
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How can we identify who benefits from government programs aimed at solving our social problem and who pays for them? With so many problems,...
Цена: 165 грн./шт.
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This book exposes the origins of this unsatisfactory situation and suggests an entirely new approach to the relationship between the theory of value..
Цена: 160 грн./шт.
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Who should be educated, when, by whom and how? What purposes should education serve? Why does education matter?
Цена: 165 грн./шт.
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As we enter a new century, with its promise of change, women in Pakistan often emerge as its best face forward. At the same time, a persistent and ...
Цена: 120 грн./шт.
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In the fall of 1999, New York Times education reporter Jacques Steinberg was given an unprecedented opportunity to observe the admissions process ...
Цена: 130 грн./шт.
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Inspired by Paris, this lighthearted and deceptively wise contemporary memoir serves as a guidebook for women on the path to adulthood, ...
Цена: 70 грн./шт.
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Martha Quest, the embodied heroine of the Children of Violence series, has been acclaimed as one of the greatest fictional creations in the English ..
Цена: 80 грн./шт.
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A new Penguin Special on the problems of the world and how to prepare for tomorrow - from the greatest public intellectual of our times.
Цена: 90 грн./шт.
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Dennis Wheatley is always prodigal in the richness of the fare he provides, and the island on which Gregory Sallust finds himself is no ordinary one.
Цена: 265 грн./шт.
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Популярнейший учебник В. Скультэ станет незаменимым пособием для тех, кто только начинает изучать английский язык.
Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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В этой книге собраны сленговые выражения жителей Америки, которые могут пригодиться туристу в различных ситуациях.
Цена: 50 грн./шт.
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Kidnapped at the age of 11 from his home in Benin, Africa, Olaudah Equiano spent the next 11 years as a slave in England, the U.S., and the West ...
Цена: 220 грн./шт.
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Пособие содержит практические сведения для тех, кто изучает деловой английский: структура деловых писем и документов, типовые фразы для различных ...
Цена: 120 грн./шт.
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Цена: 270 грн./шт.
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Загалом словник містить більше 6000 термінів і термінологічних словосполучень. + Practice Disc
Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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У посібнику подано тестові завдання з читання, письма, аудіювання та говоріння, які можна опрацьовувати самостійно чи з учителем на уроці.
Цена: 120 грн./шт.
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Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов факультетов иностранных языков, а также всех, кто изучает дисциплину "Стилистика английского языка".
Цена: 120 грн./шт.
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Over 20 million Signet copies in print The #1 bestselling thesaurus in paperback The latest version of the world famous synonyms and antonyms guide
Цена: 85 грн./шт.
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In London, on the brink of the Sixties, two runaways plunge into the whirl of Soho nightlife. Mattie faces the hard slog of repertory companies and
Цена: 130 грн./шт.
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This is a historical book, nonfiction, about the whole of the development of america and how and who we are as americans.
Цена: 220 грн./шт.
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This is an explanation of colloquial and popular styles of English usage dating back from the 1400s until present day.
Цена: 85 грн./шт.
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(Adam Dalgliesh, #8)
Цена: 220 грн./шт.
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This is a pretty good third grade math book. Here is a brief table of contents. 1. Addition and Subtraction Concepts 2. Place Value
Цена: 300 грн./шт.
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The towering sequel to Sir Gibbie and MacDonald’s longest book (786 pages). This novel offers a bit of everything: a wonderfully bittersweet romance,
Цена: 300 грн./шт.
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The sequel to Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood. Set in the English seaside town of Bude and based on a MacDonald family holiday there, this novel ...
Цена: 300 грн./шт.
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Although Castle Warlock is not technically a “sequel” to Mary Marston, thematically, the two books are very much linked. In the former, MacDonald
Цена: 220 грн./шт.
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One of George MacDonald’s lesser known, but imminently worthwhile stories set in London, and whose cast of characters, from the street orphan ...
Цена: 250 грн./шт.
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Perhaps George MacDonald’s most well-known novel and which details the life story of his most memorable character.
Цена: 150 грн./шт.
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Цена: 220 грн./шт.
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“Outline of U.S. History” is a publication of the U.S. Department of State. The first edition (1949-50) was produced under the editorship ...
Цена: 150 грн./шт.
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В книге рассматриваются: техника ведения беседы, общение по телефону в деловых целях, деловая переписка, деловая документация и контракты, деловая ...
Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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Это история о городке Миддлмарч и его жителях, жизнь которых наполнена страстями и заботами. Жители городка очень разные: так, любознательная...
Цена: 90 грн./шт.
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She has almost everything. The rest she’ll take. Single White Female meets The Perfect Nanny in this taut, psychological suspense novel about
Цена: 170 грн./шт.
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Lists barbed invectives which can be used to lash out at the inconveniences encountered during European travel
Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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Open Absurdistan and meet outsize Misha Vainberg, son of the 1,238th-richest man in Russia, lover of large portions of food and drink, lover and ...
Цена: 80 грн./шт.
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Danielle Steel's fifty-first bestselling novel tells the story of an extraordinary man, the woman who loved him, and a bond so powerful it could never
Цена: 70 грн./шт.
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Time and the Conways and Other Plays (I Have Been Here Before, An Inspector Calls, The Linden Tree)
Цена: 160 грн./комплект
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Цена: 85 грн./шт.
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Learn all you need to know about the budgeting process from preparing a forecast to monitoring a budget and making adjustments. "Managing Budgets" ...
Цена: 150 грн./шт.
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