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Ukrainian folk Tales . Украинские народные сказки.

Красочно иллюстрированный сборник украинских народных сказок на английском языке.
Страна производитель: Украина Бренд: Dnipró
300.00 UAH
Цена: 300 грн. /шт.
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Сумма минимального заказа 100 грн.
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Contents: Nibbly-Quibbly the Goat; Magic Mitten; Little Round Bun; Sister Fox and Brother Wolf; Little Straw Bull with the Tarred Back; Cat and the Cock; Sir Cat-o-Puss; Fox and the Bear; How the Dog Found Himself a Master; Fox and the Crane; Why the Stork Eats Frogs and the Wolf Hunts Sheep; Fox and Her Children and Nekhailo the Loafer; Crow and the Snake; Why Geese Bathe in Water, Cats Wash on the Top of a Stove and Chickens Take Dust Baths; Mice and the Cock; Lion and the Mosquitoes; Bear and the Bees; How a Squirrel Helped a Bear; Ox, the Ram and the Cock; Wolf Who Wanted to be the Village Head; Goat and the Ram; Sister Fox; Wolf and the Kids; Sirko; Lion Who Drowned in a Well; Fox and the Crayfish; Heron, the Fish and the Crayfish; Fly that Ploughed a Field; Swan, the Pike and the Crayfish; Little Fish and the Big Fat Bean; Danilo-Burmilo the Bear; Bee and the Pigeon; Lion Who Was Made Tsar; Little Grey Wolf True-Beaten Black and Blue; Telesik-Little Stick; Frog Princess; Magic Egg; 7 Brothers: 7 Ravens and Their Sister; Brother, the Sister and the Devil-Dragon; Kirilo the Tanner; Illya of Murom and Solovei the Whistler-Robber; Ivan the Bohatyr; Magic Pumpkins; Princess's Ring; Pea-Roll Along; Pipe and the Whip; Soldier and the Tsar; Ivan the Peasant's Son; How a Hutzul Taught a Princess to Keep House; Oh; Ivan the Dragon Killer; Fire-Bird and the Wolf; Shepherd; Flying Ship; Ivan-Not-A-Stitch-On and His Brother; Youth and the Eagle; Ivanko and Duliana the Wise; Ivanko, Tsar of the Beasts; Poor Man and His Sons; Iron Wolf; 12 Brothers; Blacksmith/the Devil; How a Farmwife Outwitted the Devil; Pipe, the Fiddle/the Dulcimer; Old Man's Daughter/the Old Woman's Daughter; Greedy Old Woman/the Lime Tree; Foster Father; Rich Miser; Death/the Soldier; Tsar's Goats; Serf/the Devil; Mistress Death/the Cossacks; How a Peasant Got the Better of a Devil; Clever Maid; Honest Nephew/the Dishonest Uncle; Man Who Ransomed an Enemy of the King; Sad Songs and Gay; Ivan the Fool

Добавлен: 26 июля 2024, 12:28
Обновлён: 26 июля 2024, 13:36

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