Меню каталога

Cezanne (Colour Library) by Catherine Dean

This superb volume surveys the life and work of an extraordinary painter, who trod a solitary and difficult path towards his goal of an art which...
Страна производитель: Сингапур Бренд: Phaidon Inc Ltd
500.00 UAH
Цена: 500 грн. /шт.
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This superb volume surveys the life and work of an extraordinary painter, who trod a solitary and difficult path towards his goal of an art which would combine the best of the French classical tradition of structure with the best in contemporary realism. The results are some of the most beautiful, and most popular, paintings of our time.

This series acts as an introduction to key artists and movements in art history. Each title contains 48 full-page colour plates, accompanied by extensive notes, and numerous comparative illustrations in colour or black and white, a concise introduction, select bibliography and detailed source information for the images. Monographs on individual artists also feature a brief chronology.

Добавлен: 24 февраля 2025, 06:15
Обновлён: 24 февраля 2025, 06:15

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