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Darwin on Trial by Johnson, Phillip E.

Phillip Johnson In clear, concise chapters, Johnson offers a casual, reasoned and scientifically sound evaluation of the support for Darwinism--from
Страна производитель: Great Britain Бренд: Monarch
240.00 UAH
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Phillip Johnson In clear, concise chapters, Johnson offers a casual, reasoned and scientifically sound evaluation of the support for Darwinism--from fossil records to molecular biology. In a new afterword, he responds to his critics and their arguments. Unquestionably the best critique of Darwinism I have ever read .--Michael Denton, author of Evolution: A Theory in Crisis.

Добавлен: 19 февраля 2025, 06:40
Обновлён: 20 февраля 2025, 12:47

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