Меню каталога

A New Dictionary Of Kanji Usage

Designed by an expert team of linguists and educators especially for the foreign student, this all-new kanji dictionary contains 2000 different kanji
Страна производитель: Япония Бренд: Gakken
750.00 UAH
Цена: 750 грн. /шт.
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Сумма минимального заказа 100 грн.
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Designed by an expert team of linguists and educators especially for the foreign student, this all-new kanji dictionary contains 2000 different kanji entries and 12,5000 word entries. It arranges the kanji entries in order of encounter frequency/importance; shows clearly the meanings, pronunciations, variant writings, and syntactic functions for each kanji entry; is cross-indexed by readings and features profuse introductory notes. More than a dictionary, it is an encyclopedic reference work invaluable to both the experienced specialist and the novice student.

Добавлен: 16 февраля 2025, 14:52
Обновлён: 19 февраля 2025, 15:50
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