The world's leading dictionary for learners and teachers of American English has been completely updated using Longman's unique, comprehensive database of spoken and written English.
The Longman Defining Vocabulary, limited to the 2000 most common English words, makes definitions easy to understand
Real example sentences, now from real conversations and texts, show how words are actually used
New easy-to-see Signposts get you to the right definition fast!
Standard IPA symbols make words easy to pronounce
For the first time, words and phrases unique to spoken English are featured in an American learner's dictionary
Expanded coverage includes the latest terms from business, technology, and the media such as downsize, website, and infomercial over 44,000 words, phrases, and idioms in all
Highlighted collocations and simplified grammar codes show how to use words accurately in context
All-new Usage Notes, based on analysis of real student writing, help learners avoid common errors
Study Notes explain key language points, such as Prepositions and Adjective word order