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Longman Essential Activator (без диска)

What is an Activator? Like thesauruses, Longman Activators™ help students develop their vocabulary by taking them from key words and basic ideas and..
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What is an Activator? Like thesauruses, Longman Activators™ help students develop their vocabulary by taking them from key words and basic ideas and guiding them to exactly the right word or phrase they need for a particular context or situation - guaranteeing natural sounding English. Includes 42,000 words, phrases and examples.

Expand your vocabulary

The Longman Essential Activator isn't just useful - it's invaluable, handy, and versatile. From basic words like useful, learn thousands more to expand and vary your vocabulary.

Clear definitions and plenty of natural examples help you choose the right word, every time

Добавлен: 16 февраля 2025, 14:12
Обновлён: 18 февраля 2025, 14:05
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