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Doing Business in the Middle East: A cultural and practical guide for all Business Professionals by Donna Marsh

A practical and comprehensive guide to doing business in the Middle East, defined as a geographic and economic area This book is necessary reading ...
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A practical and comprehensive guide to doing business in the Middle East, defined as a geographic and economic area This book is necessary reading for all professionals working in the Middle East and North Africa. It covers the practical impact of Islam on business, safety and security in the region, business etiquette, political and social dos and don'ts, and the practicalities of doing business—from the initial visit to establishing productive working relationships, including opening an office in the region. It also focuses on issues of particular importance to all businesswomen, and to men who might be working with Arab and Muslim women.

Добавлен: 11 февраля 2025, 07:11
Обновлён: 12 февраля 2025, 12:04
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