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A Dictionary of Rhyming Slang by Julian Franklyn

This well-known, authoritative dictionary is wittily illustrated and provides a dependable guide to a fascinating subject.
Страна производитель: Great Britain Бренд: Routledge
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In the book Julian Franklyn offers a new theory of the origin of Rhyming Slang, and traces its progress sociologically, geographically and historically. His glossary contains no mere one-word definitions; many of the terms are treated in comparatively long essays.

Julian Franklyn, born near the Elephant and Castle, London, at the end of the last century, had the advantage of acquiring Cockney slang and dialect at an early age, and, when serving in the 1914-18 war, he came into contact with provincial speech and developed an interest in speech-forms which, later, he was able to temper and mould by his reading of philology.

'This clear-headed, well-arranged, agreeably and judiciously written book-a book that provides a dependable guide where one was badly needed. The Times Literary Supplement

Добавлен: 29 января 2025, 07:25
Обновлён: 01 февраля 2025, 16:01
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