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Menagerie Manor by Durrell, Gerald

Menagerie Manor is sure to delight fans of Durrell’s beloved classic My Family and Other Animals, ...
Страна производитель: Great Britain Бренд: Penguin
90.00 UAH
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Menagerie Manor is sure to delight fans of Durrell’s beloved classic My Family and Other Animals, which was the inspiration for The Durrells in Corfu on Masterpiece PBS, and other accounts of his lifelong fascination with members of the animal kingdom.

With his unfailing charm, Durrell tells the story of how he finally fulfilled his childhood dream of founding his own private zoo, the Manor of Les Augres, on the English Channel island of Jersey. With the help of an enduring wife, a selfless staff, and a reluctant bank manager, the zoo grows, and readers are treated to a colorful parade of the zoo’s unusual animal inhabitants.

Добавлен: 02 января 2025, 07:51
Обновлён: 02 января 2025, 13:37

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