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Reader's Digest. Eat Better, Live Better: The Family Guide to Healthy Eating

A collection of over 300 healthy recipes, each one giving a calorie count and basic nutritional information. In addition, there is information...
Страна производитель: Great Britain Бренд: The Reader's Digest Association Ltd.
360.00 UAH
Цена: 360 грн. /шт.
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Сумма минимального заказа 100 грн.
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A collection of over 300 healthy recipes, each one giving a calorie count and basic nutritional information. In addition, there is information on the composition of food and drink and how to eat and exercise for a healthy life, together with a section on special diets for specific needs

Добавлен: 06 марта 2024, 12:33
Обновлён: 06 марта 2024, 12:33

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