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Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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Это история о городке Миддлмарч и его жителях, жизнь которых наполнена страстями и заботами. Жители городка очень разные: так, любознательная...
Цена: 75 грн./шт.
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Роман "Тропою грома" принадлежит перу южноафриканского писателя Питера Абрахамса. В своей книге автор стремится показать, как изуверские расовые
Цена: 90 грн./шт.
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This is Elizabeth Gaskell's first novel, a widely acclaimed work based on the actual murder, in 1831, of a progressive mill owner.
Цена: 120 грн./шт.
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Издание включает послесловие и комментарии к тексту. Рекомендуется всем знающим или изучающим английский язык.
Цена: 50 грн./шт.
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An electrifying short novel published posthumously set in a small village in the English countryside and tells the story of a sheltered rector's ...
Цена: 70 грн./шт.
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The New York Times Book Review called The Beastly Beatitudes of Balthazar B, J. P. Donleavy's hilarious, bittersweet tale of a lost young man's ...
Цена: 80 грн./шт.
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A nineteenth-century boy from a Mississippi River town recounts his adventures as he travels down the river with a runaway slave, encountering
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В книге представлен неадаптированный текст на языке оригинала.
Цена: 85 грн./шт.
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"Billy Budd" is the final work of American author Herman Melville which was discovered amongst his papers three decades after his death and first ...
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Much of D.H. Lawrence’s life was defined by his passion for travel and it was those wanderings that gave life to some of his greatest novels.
Цена: 70 грн./шт.
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Это сатира на современную литературную и художественную жизнь Лондона. Ситуэллы, Гертруда Стайн, Джеймс Джойс, Вирджиния Вулф ...
Цена: 80 грн./шт.
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The Red Badge of Courage is Stephen Crane’s second book, notable for its realism and the fact that Crane had never personally experienced battle. ..
Цена: 80 грн./шт.
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Persuasion is Jane Austen's last completed novel. She began it soon after she had finished Emma, completing it in August 1816. ...
Цена: 150 грн./шт.
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The story of an imposter and bigamist, who travels to the North where he marries the maid of Buttermere, a young woman whose natural beauty inspired
Цена: 110 грн./шт.
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The eponymous hero of John Fowles's largest and richest novel is an English playwright turned Hollywood screenwriter who has begun to question ...
Цена: 200 грн./шт.
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Three Powerful Novels From the Scottish Writer Whom C. S. Lewis Called His "Master" The Maiden's Bequest Orphaned as a child, Annie Anderson's ....
Цена: 80 грн./шт.
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A farm is taken over by its overworked, mistreated animals. With flaming idealism and stirring slogans, they set out to create a paradise of progress,
Цена: 90 грн./шт.
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Сборник сопровождается вступительной статьей и комментариями и рассчитан на широкие круги читающих по-английски.
Цена: 85 грн./шт.
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ith neither friends nor family, Lucy Snowe sets sail from England to find employment in a girls' boarding school in the small town of Villette.
Цена: 80 грн./шт.
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Sons and Lovers is a novel written by D.H. Lawrence. The plot is based on the relationship between the mother, Gertrude Morel, and her two sons, ...
Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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Can You Forgive Her? (1864-5) is the first of the six famous Palliser novels which, as a group, provide us with the most extensive and contradictory..
Цена: 65 грн./шт.
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Неповторимый, ироничный юмор Джерома, а также подготовленные для удобства читателей словарик, комментарии, примечания и перевод особенно сложных ...
Цена: 80 грн./шт.
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Set in Cumbria and covering the period from 1889 to the early twenties, this is the powerful saga of John Tallentire, first farm labourer, ...
Цена: 65 грн./шт.
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Phillip Maddison emerges from the war feeling overwhelmed by the powers of destruction. He resumes his old life but feels unsettled and, ...
Цена: 90 грн./шт.
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Сборник произведений С. Т. Кольриджа дает возможность познакомиться в оригинале с творчеством одного из крупнейших английских романтиков.
Цена: 60 грн./шт.
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Liza of Lambeth (1897) was W. Somerset Maugham's first novel, which he wrote while working as a doctor at a hospital in Lambeth, then a working ...
Цена: 70 грн./шт.
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As events bubbles to a scalding boil, leaders of two great nations fought in desperate secrecy to keep the lid on the world. Bartering, backstabbing,
Цена: 85 грн./шт.
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A romantic adventure story set in south-west England in the 1600s. John Ridd swears revenge upon the evil Carver Doone who murdered his father. ...
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Hardy distrusted the application of nineteenth-century empiricism to history because he felt it marginalized important human elements. ...
Цена: 120 грн./шт.
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Действие "Шпиона" происходит во время Войны за независимость. Главный герой - Гарви Бёрч, скромный американец, выдающий себя за обычного торговца...
Цена: 80 грн./шт.
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Данный сборник на английском языке, составлен из рассказов ведущих австралийских новеллистов; он охватывает более чем вековую историю ...
Цена: 70 грн./шт.
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In 1895 Hardy’s final novel, the great tale of Jude the Obscure, sent shock waves of indignation rolling across Victorian England. ...
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Just So Stories is a collection of Rudyard Kipling’s animal tales in which we learn about ‘How the Whale got his Throat’, ‘How the Camel got his...
Цена: 65 грн./шт.
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Coonardoo is the moving story of a young Aboriginal woman trained form childhood to be the housekeeper at Wytaliba station and, as such,...
Цена: 100 грн./шт.
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It is a social panorama of the city of London, seen largely through the eyes of the employees of the firm Twigg & Dersingham, on the first floor of ..
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Charles Strickland, a conventional stockbroker, abandons his wife and children for Paris and Tahiti, to live his life as a painter.
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