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Cборник юмористических рассказов немецкого писателя Людвига Тома , изданный в 1905 году.
Цена: 65 грн./шт.
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Den meisten von uns ist Tove Jansson hauptsächlich als Autorin und natürlich Zeichnerin der Mumin-Geschichten bekannt. Schon zu ihrem 100.
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Im Mittelpunkt dieses Romans steht Arietta, die junge Gattin eines Großindustriellen. Seelisch vereinsamt, entflieht sie ihrem Mann, der nur seinen ..
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Die Chronik der Kent-Familie Band 1
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Von Alzerl bis Zwirnknäulerl. Die köstlichsten. Ausdrücke aus dem k.u.k. Esperanto. Ein Wörterbuch, das nicht ganz ernst genommen sein will.
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Ganz im Sinne von "fortgeschritten" werden in diesem Büchlein nicht nur "Vokabeln", sondern auch typische Redewendungen und einfache Sätze ...
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Samolepková knižka obsahuje 24 farebných strán a viac než 300 samolepiek.
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Для совершенствующих знание немецкого языка, употребляемого в области деловых торговых связей
Цена: 80 грн./шт.
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Home is where you hang your hat… When Patsy talks her way into a job on the Champion Street Market millinery stall, the Higginson ...
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Paris, Moscow, Berlin, and Prague, 1937. In the back alleys of nighttime Europe, war is already under way.
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This solemn, rhythmic intonation of the shipping forecast on BBC radio is as familiar as the sound of Big Ben chiming the hour. ...
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Manhattan, Thanksgiving Eve, 1945. The war was over, and Eric Smythe's party was in full swing. All his clever Greenwich Village friends were there...
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Separated from her brother Bryan, and passed from caretaker to caretaker, Jenny discovers - as she rebels her way through high school and into ....
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Winn Van Meter is heading for his family’s retreat on the pristine New England island of Waskeke. Normally a haven of calm, for the next three days ..
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Riley and Alice, two sisters now in their twenties, and as fiercely different as they are loyal, have spent every summer at their parents’ modest ...
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Цена: 75 грн./шт.
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Another unforgettable novel from the bestselling author of Light a Penny Candle and Circle of Friends
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A secluded island. A missing child. A home built on lies.
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Set in The Streets of London's Soho, bestselling author Jacqui Rose brings a hard-hitting gangland thriller.
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"Chambers Key-Word Dictionary" призначений для тих, хто вже вивчає англійську мову.
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Phillip Maddison emerges from the war feeling overwhelmed by the powers of destruction. He resumes his old life but feels unsettled and, ...
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There are enough people out there obsessed with chocolate cake to warrant an official holiday, National Chocolate Cake Day, January 27th. ...
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Rina Lazarus and her husband, LAPD Homicide Lt. Peter Decker, are shocked by an outrage that cuts close to the spiritual heart of their family. ...
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Colorado Congressman Evan Kendrick is trying to live out his term quietly when a political mole reveals his deepest secret: Kendrick was ...
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It's 1945 and, as the troops begin to return home, the inhabitants of London attempt to put their lives back together. For 25-year-old Millie, ...
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What will she sacrifice for love?
Цена: 60 грн./шт.
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He took you on a collision course with disaster in Pandora's Clock
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He is a good man, a brilliant corporate executive, an honest, handsome family man admired by men and desired by women. But a lifetime ago Ben Tyson ..
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St Patrick's Day, New York City. Everyone is celebrating but everyone is in for the shock of his life. Born into the heat and hatred of the Northern..
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Alex McAuliff has received an offer he can’t refuse: two million dollars for a geological survey of Jamaica. All Dunstone Limited requires ...
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On a cold winter night in a small Minnesota town in 1979, someone comes looking for Grace Meade. She is killed and her house is set ablaze. ...
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he weather is cold and the clues no warmer as Peak District detectives Ben Cooper and Diane Fry tackle a medley of mysteries--each one knottier ...
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Dr Anya Crichton, pathologist and forensic physician, is back on another chilling case that will stretch her forensic talents to the limit. ...
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A sensational New York Times bestseller and subject of a CBS-TV miniseries, Night Sins has confirmed Tami Hoag's reputation as the new modern ...
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(Alexandra Cooper, #1)
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Damaged Portland detective Archie Sheridan spent ten years tracking Gretchen Lowell, a beautiful serial killer, but in the end she was the one...
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Сборник произведений С. Т. Кольриджа дает возможность познакомиться в оригинале с творчеством одного из крупнейших английских романтиков.
Цена: 150 грн./шт.
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Итальянско-русский и русско-итальянский словарь авторов Дмитриева О. В. и Степенко Г. В. охватывает приблизительно 42 тысячи общеупотребительных слов
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Содержит более 160 тысяч словарных статей и  является самым полным англо-русским словарем.
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Liza of Lambeth (1897) was W. Somerset Maugham's first novel, which he wrote while working as a doctor at a hospital in Lambeth, then a working ...
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Dvojčatá Lea a Leo sa tešia na návštevu svojho dedka. Nevedia sa dočkať, kedy preskúmajú jeho novučičký teleskop!
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V tejto jedinečnej knižke nájdete pestré príbehy, verše, riekanky, bájky, vtipy a hádanky pre začínajúcich čitateľov, ktorí si naviac chcú vyskúšať ..
Цена: 65 грн./шт.
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Básničky s láskou vytvorila autorka pre deti predškolského a mladšieho školského veku. Práve tie ich rady počúvajú a ľahko sa učia naspamäť. ...
Цена: 65 грн./шт.
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Výber riekaniek, z ktorých mnohé boli aj zhudobnené. Nechýbajú medzi nimi Varila myšička kašičku, Pec nám spadla či Naša mačka strakatá. ...
Цена: 260 грн./шт.
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In the Second Edition of Fixed Income Analysis, financial expert Frank Fabozzi and a team of knowledgeable contributors provide complete coverage ...
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Alex Garland's international bestseller, The Beach, received extraordinary praise, and his writing was compared to Hemingway, Greene, Conrad, ...
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Hannah, May and Eleanor are sisters whose early life in Dublin with their middle-class parents has prepared them for a comfortable future...
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Deti sa rady zúčastnia na tomto interaktívnom príbehu o šteniatku Bobíkovi, ktorého budú sprevádzať po cestičkách a chodníčkoch pri jeho návšteve ...
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Fluke Kelso was once a scholar of promise, but like so many in the highly competitive world of academia, he's never delivered. But one night, ...
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