Англи́йский язык — язык англо-фризской подгруппы западной группы германской ветви индоевропейской языковой семьи. Английский язык — важнейший международный язык, что является следствием колониальной политики Британской империи в XIX веке и мирового влияния Соединённых Штатов Америки в XX—XXI веках. Существует значительное разнообразие диалектов и говоров английского языка.
Linda Calvey has been married four times, and all four times she has ended up a widow.
Nearly bouncing back from a transfer, Detective Sergeant Logan McRae is still looking at nothing but dead ends. His only chance of escaping ...
Ken Wiseman, aka the Flesher -- the notorious serial killer who butchered people all over the UK, is out of prison, his onviction overturned ...
Some things just won’t stay buried…
Logan McRae’s personal history is hardly squeaky clean, but now that he works for Professional Standards ...
Учебник предназначается для студентов институтов и факультетов иностранных языков.
Retreat to the countryside with shepherdess Amanda Owens as she recounts stories from her life on the farm, of raising nine children and cooking ...
Підручник для студенів ВУЗів.
Підручник англійської мови розрахований на 140 годин аудиторних занять 1 140 годин самостійної роботи студентів.
Для учащихся экономических вузов, колледжей, школ менеджеров и бизнеса, а также для самостоятельного изучения лицами, связанными с коммерческой
Учебник для средних специальных учебных заведений с различным техническим профилем. В первой части содержится учебный материал состоящий из 18 уроков.
Пособие предназначено для сотрудников НИИ, работающих в различных областях физики, химии и биологии и владеющих английским языком ...
Предлагаемое пособие предназначено для студентов старших курсов языковых вузов и факультетов иностранных языков.
Для студентов средних специальных учебных заведений.
Учебник ориентирован на студентов уже владеющих английским языком в пределах программы средней школы.
A doll named Hitty recounts her adventures--from a whaling expedition to the Civil War to the stock market crash--as she moves through...
Около 75 000 слов и выражений.
ith neither friends nor family, Lucy Snowe sets sail from England to find employment in a girls' boarding school in the small town of Villette.
In this satire set in the future, most people have computer "feeds" in their heads to control their environment, tell them where to party on the moon,
It is often spur-of-the-moment decisions, sometimes made by others, that can change our whole lives.
Abandoned by both his Irish father and Congolese mother, Bruno Salvador has long looked for someone to guide his life. He has found it in Mr. Anderson
John le Carré's classic novels deftly navigate readers through the intricate shadow worlds of international espionage with unsurpassed skill and ...
Rules of Estrangement: Why Adult Children Cut Ties and How to Heal the Conflict
Returning home from the Crusades, a disillusioned Hugh discovers that his village has been ransacked and his wife abducted by relic-seeking knights,..
Словник містить близько 3000 англійських прагматичних ідіом — виразів різного ступеня усталеності, ...
Once a blacksmith, now famous and respected as a newspaperman, Valentine Clark knows everyone who is anyone in the racing world. ...
A dictionary as well as a thesaurus, and a much simplified one at that! It gives you all the basic words used in the English language, their chief ..
From the author of The Covenant of the Flame and The Fifth Profession. Brendan Buchanan is an undercover intelligence operative who has impersonated
When Mathilda Rainbird bequeaths her beautiful house in a Devonshire cove to three unknown relatives, she brings together a group of people who ...
Michael was in a hurry. He was scrambling up the ladder at Drake & Sweeney, a giant D.C. law firm with eight hundred lawyers. The money was good and..
In the corridors of Chicago's top law firm: Twenty -six-year-old Adam Hall stands on the brink of a brilliant legal career....
King Henry IV's son, Prince Harry is quick-witted yet idle and irresponsible and lives a roguish existence keeping dubious company.
A family torn apart. A daughter’s courage...
Для широкого круга лиц, изучающих английский язык самостоятельно.
Here is the long-awaited follow-up to the best-selling book and smash-hit play - The Bigot.
The year is 340 BC. A hunted, haunted Brahmin youth vows revenge for the gruesome murder of his beloved father. Cold, cunning, calculating, cruel and
From day one Dr. Abby Dolan has felt uncomfortable working in the emergency room of Patience Regional Hospital in tiny Patience, California. ...
Russian-English. English-Russian
The leading intermediate Russian dictionary
This illustrated tale is meant as a fun and wacky story introducing Jiggy McCue, the boy who things seem to happen to...
В основу пособия положены главы из произведений Майкла Бонда о приключениях медвежонка по имени Пэддингтон, приехавшего в Англию из Перу ..
The fact of the Lost Ark of the Covenant is one of the grant historical mysteries of all time. To believers, the Ark is the legendary ...
From New York Times bestselling author Stephen White comes the sixth suspense thriller featuring psychologist Dr. Alan Gregory. ...
This is James Lee Burke's latest mystery featuring Dave Robicheaux. It is also much more than that. The story begins with the shooting of two...
Данный словарь является одним из наиболее полных и популярных учебных толковых словарей английского языка, выпущенных за рубежом.
A book of 12 Russian Folk Tales.
More than 200 people--including children--are killed when an extremist bombs a Seattle family clinic. A naval officer is arrested and ...
Содержит около 9 000 слов и выражений, относящихся к американскому сленгу и разговорной лексике английского языка в ее американском варианте.